Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Vocational Training (FVTRS) Partners' Meet

You are aware that SWI is involved in vocational training for drop-outs, women and youth. Some of the programs were partly supported by Functional Vocational Training & Research Society, Bangalore. At the Regional Partners' Meet (14-15, Mar 2007) at Kolkata, SWI presented a brief report. The report is very sketchy. You may download it by clicking on SWI-FVTRS Partnership. SWI and all the beneficiary youth, women and men are grateful to FVTRS and Misereor for the support. Ms. Sanchari Baral, Micro-Credit and Linkage Officer of SWI was also coordinating the program for successful implementation.

Dr. P. Basak presented a beautiful reflection with research on the dropouts at the National Level and how the targeting and entrepreneurship skills can be improved. The presentations are available in Targeting our Focus Group, and in School Dropouts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.