Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Dili Diaries - 2: Blood of the Martyrs

Timor Leste is a land of martyrs, women and children targeted first, and over a period political opponents, freedom fighters and young men were killed mercilessly between 1980 - 2000. Whereas the Santa Cruz massacre at the cemetery in Dili is the most well-known one, it is the massacre at the church of Our Lady at Covalima that touched me a lot during my stay in Timor-Leste.

This place had seen the massacre of over 150 people and 3 Priests in and around the old church by Indonesian army and the militia supported by them on 6, Sept 1999. The bloodied past became the seat of faith. I am so humbled to be at Suai.
On the fateful day, fearing the militia, people from the villages had gathered in the church, to support each other, to console one another as many relatives had been killed or imprisoned, and to pray to God. But the attackers shot people inside the church, women and children, as they ran out. Priests (2 Jesuits and one diocesan) were killed when they were getting the people out through the side door to the back of the church. Inside of the church gives a barren look now. See pictures.
The memorial with the bamboos was the place initially the bloodied bodies were kept. And the old church where the massacre took place is on its background. There are 3 smaller memorials on the spots where the priests fell to the ground. One of them is in the picture below.
The general and leaders who led the massacre were condemned and were tried for "action against humanity" by Indonesia and were acquitted. Yes, you read it right, "acquitted". Church services are being held at the new Church as the older one was to be turned to be a monument or a museum in memory. But hasn't taken shape. Year 2023 will remain as one of my most cherished Paschal celebrations, which I spent at Covalima.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's very true. A traumatized young nation in need of empowerment esp the children and youth. Better Education must open the eyes of the blind. Youth needs to be boosted up to build a better society where superstitious beliefs, rules and regulations will loose their hold on the people.